Once again Sekonic has answered the call when a more efficient and accurate meter is required. This one, the Prodigi Color C-500 Color Meter was designed to meet the needs of today's digital market. This is the first meter to read the spectral sensitivity of color film, CDCD (CCD) and CMOS sensors used in current digital still and DV cine cameras. The C-500 and C-500R color meters are not exposure meters. Their main function is "pre-production" light source color control. With all the emphasis on Color Management and Workflow done electronically and in the camera or in post production, today's digital photographers seem to have overlooked the first step and foundation of the whole process, namely the light that makes image creation possible.
Our products are often procured from our partners who own the stock and manage logistics. In this ways our customers get to enjoy the lower priced products without having to compromise on warranties and service. This is an international version that may ship from outside South Africa. Please enquire about colour availability.